Monday, March 12, 2012

Never ending Battle

I read the tragic news of a U.S solider going on a rampage killing 4 men , three women and 9 children. it's tragic to read this, for the reason this just gives the Taliban more reason to hate us even more , and of course plan a revenge against the U.S. The government just tells us what they want us to know , they claim that it was a single solider shooting. Afghan people said they saw more soldiers shooting with the arrested solider. But why would he do such a thing, this solider has been in service for 11 years and has a wife and children. why risk it all ?
I can imagine how hard it can be for soldiers, many soldiers come home with traumatic illness and mental problems. There has been nothing reported yet that this solider had any type of illness. These types of acts can bring serious tension and consequences between Afghanistan and the U.S.
We want the war to be over , but in reality everyone knows it's going to be a never ending fight until the ends!
The Taliban are very evil .. Definitely not looking forward to their revenge plan.

Rest in peace all the souls....

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Many of you probably have already heard of the movement stop Kony2012. Or, to many of you this is probably the first time watching this video, or even hearing about this. I am really happy to hear that this movement has made so much process. They have been pushing this issue for a couple years now and finally people are really reacting it. Things happen all around the world each and everyday . Many of us have no idea about , because we are to consume with our life's to even care. A movement like this proves that we can make a difference in the world , by tackling problems like this one at a time. Kony has captured around 30,000 boys and kills and has made the boys into killers, and the girls into sex slaves. I have read recently how people are bragging how they knew about this issue a long time ago, and how people are finally wanting to help. It really bothers me to hear such negativity!
that's the point for people to know who this person is to help. No matter if you already knew, or just finding out the purpose is to want to help a movement that needs every single of of us. That we can make a change in a different country. Most importantly that we can stop fear on those young children that fear even sleeping.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I just got back from florida , were I use to go to school at. I packed away the good, the bad, and the ugly memories. It was really hard to say goodbye to place you learned so much from . Most importantly saying goodbye to freedom. Living back home is very stressful especially with strict catholic parents, its always what you can do better. Clean your room , do this and that , like school wasn't enough work , I cant even have a couple hours of at rest time. I am going to miss my apartment in florida be lazy cause I can, wash the dishes on my own time, staying up late with my friends, because I CAN! simply do w.e I want. Yea I have made some mistakes , but thats what college is for to fuck up, and learn from your mistakes. I wish I could of stayed longer, but I guess I'm growing up being responsible and coming in time for class . I am so freaking tired writing this , my friends made me go out with them, for the last time of course we did big kid things . Got home until 3 in the morning didn't sleep until five , had to be at the airport for my flight at 8. So, at this moment I just want to fall asleep, and not go to class at 12;30 but I have no choice ugh!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Parent Alert

So, I came across this video when I was bored doing homework, and decided to go on stumble and procrastinate away ! lol
This father shoots his daughters laptop, after coming across her facebook page and reading a bad post his daughter posted about him and her mother.
I have to disagree and agree with it , I understand how the father can be pist reading a post saying my father is a lazy shit basically . But, then again at the age of 15 you feel like your parents are out to get you . I also felt that way rules, curfew, what and who you can talk to , what your able to do, and the endless chores. After doing all that and going to school you feel unappreciated from your parents . And lets face it now and days your getaway to talk shit is facebook and it makes people feel good that other people like your rant post complaining about things. Every teenager at that age goes through trouble with their parents , but all I have to say is I feel horrible for that teenager. I understand how it feels getting the phone taken away, now she's definitely going to be in lockdown with no phone, computer, outside world lol.

Monday, February 13, 2012

A 411

I am really starting to think that people have no idea what a good tip is for a server. I don't consider one dollar or even two dollars as even a tip , in that case I rather not be given a tip at all. I have served all types of people , and sometimes the people I don't think will tip actually tip me well. But, just to clarify some things servers don't get payed harley anything, we get paid $4.75 an hour so everything pretty much depends on tips. The best customers are the ones who are so demanding and what refill after refill and are just so needy, so I expect those costumers to tip me well for the service that I am giving them . But, no they think that it's ok to give me two dollars on a 30 dollar bill REALLY?? ... It's not easy being a server we have to deal with all types of weird people, Dealing with people that come in high is the best part of my day . I ask them how they are doing and they just stare at me like they mentally stupid , then when the food arrives Surprise ... None of them remembered what they ordered so they just continue to stare at me like idiots. Best one the customers who ask the prices of the drink , now thats a given they are not going to tip you .. and I have been right 100 percent of the time. I don't always get horrible people I have meet allot of nice people and some people do know how to tip well. My Point was to explain that if your going to dine anywhere, make sure you have money to leave a good tip . Or stay home and get take out !

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A subject that I am very passionate about is equal right. I feel that people should be able to love, choose and be who they are . Its really sad to hear when children as young as seven commit suicide, beacuse they're either bullied at home or school making them feel alone. In which many cases they take their life's away. I think its very important to have support groups for all types of ages , because everyone needs to be loved and understood. Equal rights not only stands for homosexuals, but for everyone. If everyone just accepted one another differences , because everyone is different to one another the world would be a better place .